Sunday 7 August 2016

Case Study: How to reduce weight naturally using GM Diet

GM(General motor) diet plan is a diet plan that is used by many to reduce weight. This diet works differently. If you are looking to start a GM Diet Plan, you can go to to see how GM diet can be started.

Here is the complete GM Diet Plan which helps you to lose belly fat naturally.

Water: The best zero calorie food with many benefits

GM Diet Plan (PC:

In this article we will tell you about different foods you can eat while on GM diet.

Role of water in GM Diet  plan to Reduce Tummy

Water is an important element in your diet plan too. When you are planning to reduce weight using a diet plan such as GM Diet plan, water becomes critical in achieving your desired goal. The good part – Water is cheap and easily available. The best part – it has zero calories.
Many of us overlook this healthy fact about water and instead opt for other beverages such as aerated drinks, canned juices, fresh lime soda, tea or coffee. Perhaps many of us drink more calories through these beverages. One can be eating 200 to 400 Kcal if he or she is taking 4 to 6 cups of coffee/tea or two canes of aerated drinks.

Case Study on weight reduction

If you are preparing for the diet, homework is necessary. Even skipping three of your five coffees would reduce your calorie consumption by 50 to 200 calories. Study suggests - those wanting how to reduce weight should choose more water over the other beverages. This was the outcome of the western study carried over 18000 adults over a period of 7 years.
Survey adults underwent diet recall of their foods intake over two different days. They detailed their drinking of plain water and other beverages such as canned juices, lassi, soda, energy drinks, and sweetened bottled drinks. They also underwent the diet recall for empty calories foods such as, ice creams, pastries, cookies and chips.
The survey showed that participants on an average, in a day drank 4 glass of plain water while consuming little more than 2,150 calories. The contribution of sweetened beverages or tea / coffee and other empty calories was around 125 calories.
The study also concluded that the participants drinking plenty of water happened to consume fewer calories who drank the most plain water in their daily diet consumed fewer total calories, drank fewer calories, drank less quantity of sweetened drinks, took less sugar, salt and total fats and cholesterol. 
They learnt that the total calorie intake can be reduced to 65 to 200 calories just by increasing plain water intake by one to three glasses a day. This could benefit significantly in weight management over the time.

Conclusion of Case Study

These outcome of this study  holds up the earlier on this weight loss and water connection, which has indicated that drinking plenty of water instead of sweetened drinks and empty calories and taking water can reduce the calorie intake effective mange weight control. 
That indicates people looking to reduce weight and wanting to improve overall health can certainly be benefited from adding more plain drinking water into their diet chart. So next time you’re tempted to go for a coke or a Pepsi or soda or when you feel thirsty, keep in mind that a more healthy drink is available in your kitchen or at work place. Water! 

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Thursday 14 July 2016

Info-graphics Eating tips to avoid accumulation of belly fat

Here's the simple and shirt Info-graphics on  Eating tips to avoid accumulation of belly fat designed by

Quick Important Tips by DietKundali to avoid accumulation of belly fat. -

  • Give devotion while you’re taking your meals: In the place of chewing down unconsciously, enjoy the meals. Eat bit by bit;enjoy the smell and texture of your meals. If your brain wanders, quietly return your concentration to your food and how it flavor and experience in your mouth.
  •  Avoid interruption while eating. Try not to eat when you are working, driving or watching TV. It’s very easy to carelessly eat too much.
  •  Stop eating earlier than you are full. It takes time for the signal to carry to your brain that your drum level is full.
  •  Design your diet to reduce your fats and carbs: Not to mention when you modify your diet, you are likely to encounter malnutrition. 

Tuesday 12 July 2016

Losing Weight Naturally - By adding Fiber in your Daily Diet

Why you and your Diet Plan fails every time ?
You can lose weight and belly fat naturally by following GM Diet Plan and by consuming and adding more fiber in it. Here in this post I will tell you about how adding Fiber in your Diet plan help you in reducing your tummy fat easily and very fast. 

Almost all of the weight loss plans suggested by different dietitians works in reducing weight. However the more important thing is to maintain the lost weight. This is the stage where many people lose and end up accumulating more weight. If you are planning a weight loss, you need to have more planning in terms of the food choices before and after GM Diet. Making just one such choice — adding more fiber in your diet chart— can help you  with reducing weight as well as maintaining it.

Why it is important to lose weight?

If you want to avert heart disease, some cancers, diabetes, joint problems and other serious alignments, it is very important to lose weight and maintain it after it has lost. If you have a will, there are many ways of how to lose weight naturally such as limiting calories, carbohydrates, increasing calorie expenditure by exercise or enhanced physical activity.

You can try any popular diets including the famous GM Diet Plan which can be followed at home or any other diet suggested by your dietitian. Any diet plan can work for you, and if not, you have an option of trying another one. 

Case Study : High fiber Diet can reduce your tummy fat naturally

In a research two groups of 120 volunteers who had metabolic syndrome were asked to follow two different diets. All the volunteers had high blood sugars, and high blood pressure, overweight and high cholesterol which greatly increases the risk of diabetes, stroke and heart disease. They were not given recommendations for exercise. 
The first group was asked to follow a diet for preventing heart disease (AHA diet), in which you try to eat more vegetables and fruits, high - fiber foods, lean protein and fish. You also cut back on sugar, salt, fat, cholesterol and alcohol. The group was asked to take a diet in which they have to ensure that the average fiber intake was 30 grams per day or more.
At the end of research, the average fiber intake of the participants was found to be 19 grams in both the groups. Both the group participants lose weight, had improved insulin sensitivity and lowered blood pressure. Those on AHA diet lost a little more than half kg weight than those eating high - fiber diets. However both groups volunteers had maintained their weight loss for one year.
One thing to be noted that the participants in group 2 who were on high fiber diet did not received any specific recommendations to choose particular food or omit the other. What the study tells that if you promote healthy habits (such as high fiber diet) the result is far more effective than discouraging unhealthy ones.

Important things to remember about Diet in terms of reducing weight

Apart from weight loss, higher fiber diets can also be helpful in regulating blood pressure, preventing heart disease and type 2 diabetes. However the diet we Indian choose involves filtering wheat floor while making bread or filtering juices which removes most of the fiber. So to add more fiber, you will end up adding more calories in your diet chart. If you are not getting the fiber through your diet, it is wise to choose soluble fiber supplement.
Nutrilite Fiber is a water soluble fiber and can be taken without adding extra calories.
You need to think differently for adding fiber to your diet chart. It can be delicious and easy too.  A high fiber cereal or chapatti with dal or vegetables is a good way to start the day. When you feel hungry you can try high fiber fruits such as sapota. For lunch, add salad spread with beans, chickpeas and peanuts nuts. Add seeds in your curry to take more fiber from your dinner.
Take an opportunity to add more fiber in your snacks. A smoothie with nuts and seeds or whole fruit or boiled corn is excellent ways to add more fiber. To get more benefits, aim at achieving 35 to 40 grams of fiber. 

It is strongly recommended to consult your Dietitian before doing any major changes in your daily Diet. You can connect with some best dietitian from Mumbai on . Click here for Free Registration .

List of Fiber Rich Food Sources (calorie with weight) which certainly helps you in losing weight:

Food Calorie Provide
Weight of Dietary
Fiber (gm)
360 28.3
Flaxseeds 534 273.
116 22.6
563 16.8
334 16.7
108 16.3
LENTIL 343 15.8
372 15.3
444 13.6
541 13.6
WHEAT 346 12.5
MAIZE 342 11.9
347 11.7
SAPOTA 98 10.9

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